
Leaving Sydney

Okay – here’s the first attempt at writing something for our blog. Firstly have to say a huge thanks to Uli for setting this up as there is no way on earth we would have done this otherwise!!!!

The last few weeks in Sydney went by in a bit of a blur, what with our trip to Perth so I could do Ironman WA, the PwC Christmas party, our leaving party, some great last dinners with our good friends – oh and then an engagement………


What better way to end our amazing time in Sydney than to get engaged? Sorry to all those people who thought we would get engaged in Fiji (how predictable) or half way up Machu Pichu (which granted would definitely have been something I might have done…) but you can’t quite top the harbour in Sydney. Obviously just to be different I proposed at 6am in the morning – I had hoped for sunrise but given the weather in Sydney over the last month we were just thankful it was not raining. Bec was suitably surprised and as expected it didn’t take long for her to state that “we couldn’t afford a wedding!” Oh well should make for an interesting few months when we get back to the UK – moving into our new house, back to PwC and planning a wedding…..


So our last day was pretty special and after a great celebratory breakfast at the Bathers Pavilion in Balmoral followed by degustation in the evening at Aria we made our way for a relaxing week to Likuliku Lagoon Resort in Fiji. Quite simply I don’t think either of us have had a better week – the resort was amazing – only 6 months old and the first with over water bungalows. So it was a week of eating some fantastic food, lounging on our day bed and cooling off in our plunge pool. Quite a time of extreme’s for me going from 20+ hours of training per week to making the three times a day strenuous walk 100m along the beach to get our food at the resort. All in all just what we needed – the first time Bec has managed to get me on a beach holiday – however will take some beating for our honeymoon.

After one last night stop over in Sydney (and dinner at Longrain….yes finally Uli) we have headed over to New Zealand – first stop the South Island. Given all our eating in the last fortnight we may have to be asking for double seats when we fly to South America in the New Year! Over the last few days we have travelled by train over the Arthurs Pass (apparently one of the top rail journeys in the world – probably would be without the fog and rain), taken a fantastic helicopter flight onto the Franz Joseph glacier, an overnight cruise and kayaking on doubtful sound and now we are holed up in Queenstown in a beautiful apartment overlooking the lake celebrating Christmas.


An Italian breakfast, followed by roast dinner and soon a typical Austrian dinner has left us truly fattened and now resting for the antics to follow in Queenstown – jet boating, skydiving, bungee jumping.

Wishing you all a Merry Xmas and a great New Year’s Eve celebration. We will be thinking of you all when you go back to work in the New Year and we continue with our travels – I know….make the most of it……we fully intend to!

Lots of love – Iain and Bec.
Uli (guest) - 26. Dec, 16:38

Well done!

I'm very proud of you guys, hopefully you keep using it to brighten up busy season/ European winter with exciting pictures from South America ... and Iain where is the pic from the Xmas party with your new hairstyle?

sarahm - 2. Jan, 06:59

Happy New Year

Happy New Year guys! Blog's a great idea. Fiji sounds amazing. Hearing of your NZ adventures reminds us of ours. It's just impossible not to have fun isn't it? We're still feeling inspired by the Ironman Iain - did a 47k bike ride yesterday - but we're definitely aiming sprint distance at the mo

Sarah & P x


Bec and Iain go Southamerica

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