Breakitdown - 26. Jan, 10:58


waiting on the food stories from South America :-) hope you guys are feeling better again. Have signed off yesterday on BAT so Kerri and I have a free Australia Day weekend, get pampered today yey!
Stew and I have solved our recycling problem and he is still alive don't you worry, off with Andy to golf today. Although I was told to feel a bit more sympathetic as he is devasteted that Federer is out of the Australian Open. I was so excited that Djokovic won that I had to break my alcohol ban 5 days early (and just broke my coffee ban this morning yumm!).
Gretchen is still waiting on her Blind Date email Iain, forgot HPT already :-) ... "Delivers what he promises".
Off to the beach now!
Lol Uli xx

PS: Sarah I only know you from a photo at Becs however have a great time in Austria (am very jealous was not skiing at home for 3 years now).



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Bec and Iain go Southamerica

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