Sarah m (guest) - 19. Mar, 11:10


Love hearing all about your trip! Iain have you not barfed at all yet? Poor you Bec, hope you're feeling better. The cruise and the wildlife sounds good. Can just imagining you 'slumming' it with the other backpackers and then sidling through the door to the Posh Dining Room and Best Cabins.

I'm meant to be revising but am being distracted by YouTube. Paul has unsupportingly gone snowboarding to St Anton without me for a week. My mum, dad, both sisters and nephew have gone somewhere sunny without me for a week too. Last week I lost my keys - car, house, mums house etc. I have been in TOO close contact with lots of ladies for several weeks on the trot now. It's raining and a bit chilly here. We all want to see you but, believe me, don't hurry home! Enjoy that carefree feeling and smiling all the time and feeling happy every time you wake up!!

Lots of love

Happy Mort



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Bec and Iain go Southamerica

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Love hearing all about your trip! Iain have you not...
Sarah m (guest) - 19. Mar, 11:10
South America - part...
So after the delights of chocolate and horse riding...
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Sarah M (guest) - 23. Feb, 08:02
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BecandIain - 22. Feb, 08:18





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